Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tied up in knots?

Cattle ... the word cattle appears 85 times in 83 verses in the Bible (NIV), only 4 of which are in the new testament.  I'm not really sure why that is relevant or significant ... but the difference between the number of references in old vs. new testaments makes anyone take notice.  Cattle clearly were central to the lives and essential to life to people of long ago.  God has entrusted us to care for the earth and all that life herein. 

It is in the New Testament that God calls us forth through Christ to love one another as God has loved us.  Each new day we are given a gift to love again.  Even those mornings when we wake up and feel the knot in our stomach.  Thank God we have only one stomach.  Imagine if the cow woke up one day and had all four stomachs tied in knots!

So if your stomach is in a knot this morning.
Breathe deeply
Stretch out
Walk around the block

Love one another

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