Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sacred Places

What makes a place sacred?  I'm not sure. It is one of those things that I'll know it when I see it ... or when I feel it ... or experience it.  Mont Saint Michele in Normandy, France, one of the wonders of the world is often referred to as a sacred place, yet when I was there it didn't feel very sacred.  Rather it was an amazing wonder of architecture built on a rock separated from the mainland by a strip of sand and one needs to be cautious of being stranded by tides as they come in and isolate the abbey in a short period of time.  That man could build this centuries ago without the technology that we have today.  A great edifice such as this stir something within that says there is more to this life than flesh and blood.  

Yet, as I reviewed pictures from my trip last fall to France, my breath was taken away and inside a deep feeling of awe.  It took my breath away and I knew again so clearly that I am part of a wonderful story of creation, of life, of relationship, of being with one so much greater than I.   

S0 back to the original question?  What is a sacred place?
For me, a sacred place is calls me back.  
A sacred time is a centering time.
A sacred place may not even be a place rather it is a connection with the sacred.
Music takes me to a sacred place.
Candles take me to the sacred place.
Water brings me closer.

Many have written about sacred places.
Here is one that I found particularly helpful

Where is your sacred space/place?

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