Thursday, July 2, 2009


Y'all are probably a bit tired of hearing of family ... but this is the family week after all.  Here is my dad (again) and his younger sister (Marie).  We did the trek up to where Marie lives and had lunch with cousin Mark and his family.  A good day.  

Today's lesson.  Each day is a gift.  
We are given it freely without asking.
It seems to come with the rising sun.

So here are the siblings which remain.
89 and 86.  
One who could tell stories of the beach at Normandy
The other who remembers us with a laugh 
Yet isn't sure where her purse is.

Each day is a gift

Regardless of where life takes us ... 
We go back to our roots
The good memories ... the not so good
Thankfulness that we don't remember everything

Sit together and laugh
Share the same stories 
The days of no seat belts
When drive in movies still existed.
Crawling from the back to the front of the station wagon (while it was moving of course)
Heading to Giant's games
Being scared of the basement

These memories created who we are ... 
The good, the bad, the memorable, the forgetable.

Close your eyes
Remember the laughter
Remember the joy
Imprint the memories 
Imprint the mind
Feel the smile grow on your face

And tomorrow 
With the gift of a new day
Start with the smile
Imagine what can be 
Become it

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