Friday, February 20, 2009

Winter Travel

It's 5AM and 16 degrees outside.
I just love these 6AM flights.  I am hopeful to sleep well, but fearful that I will get to the aiport on time.  No matter how many times fly this early, I calculate and recalculate what time I need to get up ... then I set the alarm.   But that isn't enough, I go through the process one more time.  My drive to the airport used to be 8 minutes ... now it is 13!  Well maybe 14 or 12 depending on traffic. At 4:30 in the morning there isn't much traffic!  That isn't even shift change at companies!    For those of you familiar with Rochester you also know this is a pretty small airport relatively speaking ... but busiest at 6AM.  

I'm relatively organized for this trip ... actually it is only a weekend jaunt to San Francisco to see the family and meet the new baby.  I actually had the luggage in the car before I went to bed ... so my only "chore" was walking Theodore.  16 degrees, folks ... and I had to go walk the dog!  There is little light from the moon .. so I bundle up with wet hair and all.  Out we go ... I inform him (as if he can understand me) that this is going to be a short one and he better get right to his business because this was not leisurely walk around the block.   Somehow he must have understood as we only needed to go to the next house ...  Whew, after all it is only 16 degrees. 

Well am in NYC now ... and it has warmed to a balmy 32 degrees ... but soon I will board the 757 to SFO ... please let it be warmer there!  

Landing here was beautiful ... watching the sun rise on Manhattan with light bouncing off the buildings.  I am amazed at the density of concrete and glass on the island.  I keep thinking it should sink!  But what do I know about architecture/geology and everything else that goes into building on an island.

Flights been called ... i need to leave.

Update ... I made it. 
Sun is shining in San Francisco

Where are you going today?
Where ever it might be ... watch the patterns of light bouncing. 


Loida of the 2L3B's said...

Sleep then bound to Hong Kong for work.. Thanks for sharing.. Such an exciting life you got there.. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend..
best regards,
loida or 2L3B's

Gail said...

Debbie, I'm about to catch a flight to Seattle at 5:30 a.m.tomorrow for a trip to Seattle and on to Holden. I also love the early morning flights!

Debbie said...

Gail ... how long are you staying? I arrive on Friday the 6th ...