Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Rules Do You Live By?

While these may be rules to live by ... sometimes it is hard.  We question our competence, we are afraid to show our weaknesses, we wonder what we do well.  In the deep of our darkness we reach out ... some for God, others for things which numb our being, some for a long run, some to curl up in the comfort of a comforter (that's why they are called that, you know).  Its important to name the darkness, to be angry, to yell, and to cry.  When we are able to do this we can start to come out of the darkness.  Wallowing takes us deeper.  So in the emotion we only have to take one step.  Touch the walls with your hands, shuffle your feet so you feel secure, and take the step.  Put one foot down ... gently as you build your confidence.  

One of my rules ... name the "it" ... the insecurity, the fear, whatever paralyzes you.  Then you can take that step out of the darkness.

p.s. did you know there is research that indicates that the brain can relax when we are able to "name" it.  

If a child is mad .. and you tell the child that they seem "mad" ... they start to calm down and they can move forward.  If I can't name it ... actually say it ... I get stuck.  How about you? 

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