Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Unknown

Have you ever taken a path without knowing what is ahead? We believe that we know what lies over the berm and into the future based on previous experience. Yet we don't really know until we take the step. It is on the knowledge of yesterday (tainted by our memory) that we live today and hope for tomorrow.

As you look forward ... follow your heart, follow your mind. You can make your lists of positives and negatives, but know that it is the melding of the heart and mind that you need to follow. You live in a web of support as choose your path. Is the grass greener? Maybe. Maybe not. You won't know for sure until you are there. The there may be there, the there may be here. The reality is, there will be different than today.

“For yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is only a vision; but today well lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Sanskrit Poem

Just know ... that every tomorrow is a vision of hope.

So work to create what will be and take the step into the future ...

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