Monday, June 1, 2009

The Empty Well

Why was the woman at the well? If the woman at the well is to come to a saving faith, she must change her course .... so say the commentators. I on the other hand think of how we as women serve and give. We offer water to dinner guests. We make sure to hydrate literally and figuratively ... ourselves and others. In our places of work we give. In our families we give.

I come to the well not to draw more water to serve ... rather having given and served I come to the well to be refreshed ... to be served. Somedays my reservoir feels empty ... and when that happens I feel parched ... and when I feel parched I don't always see things clearly.

Good and gracious God ... we are called to serve. We are called to share our bounty. Yet on those days when the well feels empty we ask that you refresh us with your love. Perhaps all I need to do is change course.

What do you seek at the well?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My very favorite psalm. I want it sung at my funeral. Meanwhile I enjoy reading it over and over.