Friday, January 9, 2009


Early in the morning she wakes her husband.  Throughout the night she wondered if this is the time.  Soon the baby will be born.  

According to one unofficial internet source  245 children are born every minute.   But this one, this Lila, she is the first born of her parents.  The first grandchild for her maternal grandparents, a first great-grandchild, and my first grand niece.   We gather in hope, we gather in anticipation, we gather in love.

A baby touches our core.  A sense of new beginning, of life, of what is to come.  Let us join together to make this world a better place for little Lila and the other 244 babies born at 2:44 the afternoon of January 7th.

Bless this child of God and join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for her life. 

1 comment:

Joan Neslund said...

What a beautiful child and such a wonderful way to bless her into the world.