Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Shower

April showers
Bring May flowers ... 

A drop of water
To reflect the sky

Settling in the ground
To give refreshment

April showers
Bring May flowers.

No April Showers Today

The May flowers have arrived!
The colors of the world are intertwined.   We think of the bright orange sun as it rises and sets!
Here it is shining through the tulips.
Yellow is such a spring color ... considered fresh and clean.
Green a color of life
Leaves on trees, buds appearing the on the limbs after a long winters time
Thanks be to God that she made this gorgeous rainbow offering
Thanks be to God that I am able to capture them in my mind.

Go out ... find the colors of spring!
Look all around you

Walk 10 steps .... 
Look up ... look down ... 
Look all around

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Come Sit A Spell

Its a glorious day ... 
Sit a spill
Let it simmer
Let it grow
Life needs time

Yes, come sit a spell
Life needs you 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stop a bit

When feeling overwhelmed by life
Sometimes it helps to just stop
Look at the beauty
The season of daffodils 
Really is quite short
Everything else
Will be there tomorrow

Monday, April 27, 2009

Quiet Reflection

In the quiet of the early morning 
when all is still except the gentle breezes
Take a few minutes to reflect on the beauty 
which is here
in the present

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Defining the Path

Listening with a third ear to a commercial I heard the following:

"whatever the destination"
"let ... help you choose the path"

Are we really letting others define our paths? Is the outcome financial security? Is the outcome stuff? With these as our messages no wonder we feel like we are on a treadmill .... because according to media we can never have too much. We are forever in a state of consumption and having more. 

At the same time we say we don't have enough time.  Have you ever noticed how much time it takes to consume stuff?  Recently I calculated the amount of time I spent buying/returning something I didn't need then wondered what I could do with that time instead.  

Who influences the path you are one?  
Does the path you are on take you in circles?

On this Sunday as we gather around the table in love, forgiveness, and grace, we are fed once again for the journey. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009


So much of the focus of life is on the doing, getting things done, being here, being there.  What did you do last week?  What are you doing this weekend?  What is scheduled next week?  The rush from place to place, from activity to activity.  But it is in the journey that we deepen our relationships ... with others, ourselves and with God.  It is the journey that gives us depth that makes us who we are.  The Israelites journeyed ... Christ journeyed ... our ancestors journeyed.   

Let us slow down, do less, journey more. 
Today ... absorb the journey 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Potato Chips ... I don't get it

Its 7AM and the 22 month old is eating potato chips.  Oh my.
Its 7AM and mom yells "N. get your butt over here."  Oh my.

Two children with mom at the airport.
The cell phone has rung at least three times.

The children calm themselves with fingers in their mouth.
The daughter sucking her thumb
The brother two fingers serve to calm.

Two children behaving as one would expect by their age.

I only observed the exchange for about 30 minutes.
A stressed mom ... 
Children needing healthy snacks
Children needing to hear a gentle voice from their mother.
Children needing their mom.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ready and waiting

Every morning someone walks to the beach, digs holes, sets the umbrellas, brings out the seats. A daily ritual to prepare the beach for the comfort for the many tourists at Waikiki. 

But only a few short blocks away (literally 3 blocks) is an elementary school where the children come from homes with parents who are struggling to make it to be a resident of this state.  And many of them are probably in the service industry that support tourism.  Many tourists do not venture too far into the life of those that live here year round.  Yesterday I met with folks at a school about 40 minutes from here ... 90% of those students have a parent in the military and most of them have been separated from for some portion of the last school year.  We met and talked, while overhead heard the sound of choppers flying.  


Our children are ready 
What are we waiting for?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Caring for our children

"God, we have pushed so many of our children into the tumultuous sea of life
in small and leaky boats without survival gear and compass.
Forgive us and help them to forgive u.
Help us now to give all our children the anchors of faith and love, the rudders
of purpose and hope, the sails of health and education, and the paddles of
family and community
to keep them safe and strong when life's sea gets rough."
Marian Wright Edelman
The Sea is so Wide and My Boat is so Small

These are the opening words to the latest book by Marian Wright Edelman.  I started the book on my recent flight.  A must read for everyone that believes that in the importance of caring for our children.    In the days ahead I'll reflect a bit more on it ... but wanted to start with sharing this opening.

We continue to bail out boats as they are sinking.
Instead we need boats that are strong and solid.  
All children deserve boats that are seaworthy.

All the children of the world those ... 
in our neighborhood
in the inner city
in mountain communities
in the rural outposts
in countries near 
in countries far  

This is a global world we live in ... 
We communicate around the globe daily real time ... 
Yes, all the children

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Traveling with strangers

Airports are relatively quiet.  There are about 100 of us in the gate area and the conversations are limited. Husbands and wives sitting side by side, reading the morning paper.  Three young children plugged into ipods.  Others reading books and magazines.  The crew arrives and they check in showing ID and chatting about what is to come.  Perhaps the most obnoxious noise is that of folks talking on cell phones, managing their business, talking too loudly, confirming sales quotes, leaving messages, talking with contractors.  A few checking in with family saying they made it okay and are waiting to board.  The man next to me is on his third phone call "am sitting at the airport" ... "I got your message" ... and so it goes.   I know how much one company is paying for rehab on a facility, where it is, etc.  A bit too public is my guess from the perspective of the customer.  

Air travel is still for those with money and resources.  There are more men than women on the flights.  There are obvious racial disparities when compared to the general population.  This flight looks more like it is representative of suburbs than the urban community.  Who is in first class really tells the story of frequent travelers.  (Now I have to admit that I get bumped up there once in a while so I am also talking about myself.) 

Yes, I am traveling with strangers ... but I do know a bit about them.  My guess is that there are families on their way to a vacation, at least one doctor on the flight, the lawyer with the brief and big case, several retirees today on their way to visit families, a mother and daughter off to check out colleges.  One salesman off to a meeting in Florida.  And my guess is at least one person traveling to be with a sick relative or going to or coming from a funeral.   Those in this airplane represent many facets of folks who by accident are together in a airplane.  

The first leg is a regional jet ... those smaller planes with narrow aisles.  The ones where folks have to duck when walking down them.  I sit and wait wondering who will be in the seat next to me.  Oh no, might it be the "big guy".  Yup ... the "big guy" ... glad its a short flight as I am in the window seat.  My guess is that the "big guy" is really hoping that he doesn't have to sit by me either!  

Now settled in ... at DTW.  More strangers walking around making connections.  Those, like me, traveling with computers are easily spotted ... we walk with our eyes in constant motion wondering where we might find an outlet so we can charge up!  More moms and kids under the age of five ... must be traveling to visit grandparents.  

"hello, can you hear me?"  No, I don't think the person on the other end of the connection can hear her ... but those around us can hear everything.  She tries to call again.  "I have a sporadic cell phone"  An extended conversation about investments ... and so she went.

Time to board again ... perhaps more from LAX

No time to write from LAX
Now I am Honolulu 
This guy does wonderful work at Waikiki ... 
I took this pic in February ... and he is still there!

14 hour from my house to hotel.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Come Sit

Sometimes it isn't necessary to say anything

Come ... have a seat

Enjoy the colors
the smells
the salt in the air

Enjoy the warmth
the sound of waves
the sand on your feet

Come ... have a seat.

Molokai, HI

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Look Closer

Look closer
Inside there is tremendous detail
This didn't just happen by accident
the interconnectedness of the world that creates 
what seems to be a simple tulip.

But look closer
The colors
The pollen 
The patterns
The life
The details

Look closer
Look inside
Discover the detail that makes you who you are.

It is no accident
You have been created
In God's image
With God's love
With God's attention to detail

Stop ... 
Stoop down
Look closer

What do you see?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


We jump through hoops.
Dig deeper
Overcome barriers.
Work around things
Pile it higher and deeper (PhD)
Put our nose to the grindstone
When we are told to jump ... we ask "how high?"
Climb ladders to success
Focus on the goal
Plan strategies
Execute plans
Give it our best shot

I think it is time we did cartwheels and laugh more!
When was the last time you did a cartwheel?

Friday, April 17, 2009


The sun sets
The book is closed
I rest my head
Listening to the sounds of the night

Another day full of grace!
Thanks be to God!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bursting Forth

After a quiet dark winter ... we reach toward the sun
Toward the light we are called
Having been wrapped for months in the rich dark soil

Tentatively first
We break through the surface
Our heads stretch out

Ahhh the light 
The warmth
The sun

Bursting forth ... 
Seeking light

To what light are you drawn?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Stroll

Its amazing .... we live in communities that really do have many places to walk and explore.  But somehow, we forget they are there.   

The paths are waiting for us ... 
They are marked ...
They are safe.

It's turning off the tv
Setting down the computer
Opening the door 
And taking the first step.

Yes.  It takes time
But that is what we have been given
The gift of time.

Where do you like to walk in your community?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bound Together

We are bound together in this world.
In our families
In our work
In our communities

We become stronger when
We are bound together in the good and bad
In the ups and downs
In the light and the dark

Being bound together doesn't imply
That we can't be independent
In fact we can be stronger individually
When we are bound together

I pray that we are bound together in love
And in hope for strength
With that commitment 
We can work though anything.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Somedays things so hard.
The most simple is complex
The answer so clear to one 
The answer to vague to another
I just want the answer 

Somedays things are so hard
The decision so simple
The process so hard
What is right to one
Is wrong to another

Somedays things are so hard
I hope that if I wait long enough
The problem will be gone
I know that if I wait long enough
The problem will still be here.

Somedays things are so hard
I just want to curl up in bed

Somedays things are so hard
I just want to watch the sunset
Because after the sunset is tomorrow
And tomorrow will be another day
And hopefully 
The someday tomorrow will be so easy!

So ... what your day today so hard or so easy?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Alleluia ....

Sunrise over Keuka Lake

It was foretold ... 
The promise fulfilled
Let us live in love

This is the day which the Lord has made
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Reach out ... 
Spend time with those known and unknown
Laugh heartily
Share lovingly

The sun is rising from the east over Ellison Park
Teddy is watching from the window
The coffee brewing
The bread rising
The music playing

On a side note:  
An advantage to living in the northeast.  
I had a hard time finding an outdoor sunrise service 
Its that weather thing!
So got to sleep a bit longer
On the west coast I could always find one near the beach
On a hillside ... and it was always warm

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Sunsets ... The Vigil Begins

Sunset at Webster Pier

A beautiful sun sets this evening.  
Clear crisp and cold
The Easter vigil continues
What will tomorrow bring?

Sleep well 
Dream well
Live well

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
When in the morning light I wake
Teach me the path of love to take.

Until tomorrow 
Sweet dreams!
Sov gott.

Morning Swim

Ellison Park Dozen (plus mom)

It's a beautiful morning for a stroll.
You do have the time!
Don't believe the voice in your head that says you don't!

Where are you heading?
I'll be checking back later today to read what you have found!

North to Irondequoit Bay from Empire Blvd

Friday, April 10, 2009

Unfolding Spring

Psst .... Spring is about to unfold
Take a look
Every day there are hints all around.

I swear one day the daffodils grew an inch!
Today I discovered a bird carrying twigs into the bird house
The buds are on rhododendron are hinting that they might burst forth
The tulips have broken ground.

It is the less obvious that are wonderful to discover.
And that takes patience.  
A walk in the park ... 
Under the leaves
Off the beaten path 
Protected from the long harsh winter.

What are the hints of spring that bring a smile to you?

The Good Friday Journey

Today I joined others in Rochester for a walk in the city.
Two miles.  Three deaths in recent years.
We have too many children who have witnessed violence.
We have too many deaths for senseless reasons
We have too many people who have difficulty managing anger. 

The results are too well known.
Disputes settled by violence.
Violence in our homes
Violence in our streets
Violence in our hearts

Where do we start
How can we make a difference.
With our babies and toddlers.
How ... well that is for another post :)

May these children who walked with the cross know peace.
May they be surrounded by love
May they have access to the beauty of the world around them.
We can make a difference for these children

Together male and female
Young and old
Clergy and parishioner
Rich and poor
Black, white, brown

We can do this.

Christ died ... it is Good Friday ... 
The journey continues

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Great Lesser Light

The magic of a full moon.
It is lighting the living room!
There are long shadows in the yard!

The day extends through the night when the moon is full.
Night is day when the moon is full. 

The moon calls me.
Calls me to to walk the neighborhood.
If only I weren't so tired 
I'd head down to the park.

The only thing that would make it brighter tonight 
Would be snow covered ground! 
 (please, no, it's April!) 

"God made two great lights--
the greater light to govern the day 
and the lesser light to govern the night."
Genesis 1:16

Clearly the lesser light is making its mark tonight!

Gifts and Grace

The gathering of friends and disciples on this quiet Thursday evening.
Its about being a servant.

Washing feet
Serving others
and loving

Then to top it off the gift of self is given
In the body and blood of Christ

The gift is given
Simple common elements

Bread ... manna ... 
In the wilderness
Stories of the old testament

Brought to the new testament
In the body of Christ.

Water into wine
Saving the best for last
The wedding guests

Brought to life in the new testament
In the blood of Christ.

Common elements
Body and blood

The journey continues. 

Go out ... do likewise
Love one another
Serve one another
Step out of the comfort zone
Walk the streets and serve

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Journey to the Table

Word, wine, and bread together give us  forgiveness,  life and salvation.

The journey to the cross continues.  
From being welcomed by throngs on Sunday ... 
With cheers and waving of palms. 
Christ journeys toward the meal ...

His ending is coming soon
It is Christ's in-between time

But soon ... tomorrow ... 
He gathers at the table

Take 10 minutes ... 
Sit with it ... 
Join the journey

Beginnings, endings and everything in between.

Lake Chelan from Domke Lake Trail

Isn’t that what life is really about? Beginnings, endings, and everything in between? From birth to death and everything in between. From sunrise to sunset and everything in between. From September to June and everything in between. From paycheck to paycheck and everything in between.

I like the in betweens ... and I think I like them better with the beginning and endings. But there are other times that the in betweens are tough and I wonder if we will ever get to the end! Hiking for me is one of those times when the in between is so hard. I love the thought of hiking and begin healthy and the destination (the beginning) and I love the end (the view, the sense of accomplishment) but oh some days the in between is so hard. “One foot in front of the other” my friends say. “It’s not a race Debbie” another says. “Take your time.” I stop. I sit. I put my head in my hands and wonder if I am going to make it. I get up ... walk again then notice that the trees are no longer above me ... but that the path is winding its way through the level terrain. The lake comes in view. I hear the waterfall. It was worth the process.

What do you like best?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Step At a Time

There are times along our journey when we have to climb.  

Wondering if we will make it ... 
But again ... 
We are not alone 
God is with us ... 
the Spirit is with us ... 

"Since we live by the Spirit, 
let us keep in step with the Spirit"
Galatians 5:25

Go forth in your journey today
You are not alone
The Spirit is with you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Path

Each of us is on a journey ... 
and we have options about how to proceed.
One step in front of the other seems to make sense to me
At times I walk with others
At time I walk alone
While I am aware of the dangers 
I don't become paralyzed by them
Somedays the directions seem less clear 
So it is necessary to try options.

I think it all has something to do with free will
It has to do with choices
It has to do with having the confidence to make mistakes
It has to do with having the confidence to be wrong
It has to do with confidence to make modifications

Regardless ... I know I am not on this path alone
Thanks be to God

During this Holy Week Christ knew what path he was on.  It was a path that led to his eventual death.  It was a path that led to his eventual resurrection.  His was a path of righteousness.

"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day."   Proverbs 4: 18

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Evening Quiet

The lights are low ... the sun has set ... now is the time to enjoy the quiet.
I invite you to fine a quiet tune to listen to as you sit here and experience the close of the day.  

Tonight I listened to the Compline Choir from Seattle Washington. 

Blessings to you, my friends, for a quiet night of sleep.
And a gentle wakening this most holy of weeks.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Those who come before us

Every day there are those who have come before us. They are not of the past, but they are on our present being.  They are the ones that leave a mark on us and contribute to who each of us is.  Perhaps you have read of those who have left a mark on me at one time or another. Some of these saints are living and others have since died. 

Today is the anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King. Forty years ago he stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  His words from the infamous speech "I have a dream" speak to me today in light of the shootings yesterday.   Those who died were living their dream seeking freedom and life as a US citizen. 

"Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring—when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children—black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics—will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)

And the freedom which we are given (both the freedom for people as Dr. King talks about and the free will we are given as children of God) is based in the context of community.  We are part of a community ... its not about me ... its about we ... its about us.  

We too come before others. 
Live and love accordingly.

Who have you thought of these past few minutes that made a mark on you?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tears for the dead and Prayers for Peace II

Again today the airwaves are full of stories from Binghamton.  Located about 160 miles from my home, an individual took upon himself to enter into a building and start shooting.  As of this writing 14 are confirmed dead and four reported to be in critical condition.  

Another day of sadness for way too many people.  Those in the building were there studying to become citizens.  They were learning English.  They were discovering a new world of opportunities. 

We need to develop social and emotional skills including respect, being able to slow down, acknowledge our feelings, take the high road.   

We need to find a way to live in peace.  
It's a choice we have ... to make the world a better place ... or bit by bit make is a worse place.
The choice is ours.   

Good and gracious God,
Be with those who tonight cry.
For those who have lost someone dear to them.
For those living in fear.

Be with those tonight who are bubbling in anger.
Who are filled with rage.
Calm them with your love and presence.
Give them someone to trust

Be with children who will lay down in fear
Who hear the popping of guns
Who feel alone and unwanted.

Give us strength to go out ...
To love the unloveable
Hug the unhugable
and look in the eye of the stranger.

We all want to belong ... 
With you we do ... 
Give us a good night's rest.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whoops ... its been a long day

Its the end of the day ...
So busy ... all day ...
meetings ...
meetings ...
meetings ...

Quiet night at home ..
Time for sleep

For another day
Thanks be to God ...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Senses

I seem to be most keenly aware of my five sense in the early morning hours, just upon waking. 

The sounds of the birds, 
The smell of the coffee, 
The early morning light, 
The first sip of coffee,
The feel of water on my face.

Awaking from a sleep 
Fresh to the world around me

Each day new
Each day fresh
A chance to start again

Good and gracious God, thank you for these gifts to experience all the world to the fullest.  Let me use these senses to discover the many glories around me.  Amen

Have an awakening today.