Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Answer

From Sunday April 25th Henri Nouwen Society.

"We spend a lot of time and energy raising questions. Is it worth it? It is always good to ask ourselves why we raise a question. Do we want to get useful information? Do we want to show that someone else is wrong? Do we want to conquer knowledge? Do we want to grow in wisdom? Do we want to find a way to sanctity?

"When we ponder these questions before asking our questions, we may discover that we need less time and energy for our questions. Perhaps we already have the information. Perhaps we don't need to show that someone is wrong. For many questions we may learn that we already have the answers, at least if we listen carefully to our own hearts."

I often wonder why certain things come across my plate (or email) when they do. This was in today's email. Came less than 72 hours after I "raised a question" ... which created the "storm". More food for thought.

I do know this ... nothing is ever black and white ...

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