Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Henri Nouwen defined contemplation as "a vision of the nature of things," the ability to see things for what they are."  He goes on to suggest that it helps the mind to "descend into the heart" to discern the nature of reality.  

Perhaps it is the melding of the heart and mind to focus on what is ... what is to the core.  When one seeks understanding of contemplation one cannot avoid the connection to spirituality.   Contemplative prayer, contemplative reading, a centering on the simple.  

"our contemplation should first of all be simple, very simple.  Contemplative prayer enables us to allow the Word of God to descent from our mind into our heart, where it can become fruitful.  ... it is so important to focus quietly on a word or sentence.  Then we must ruminate on it, murmur it, chew it, hear it, so that in our innermost self we can really sense its power."

As you walk the labyrinth ... as you watch the sunset ... as you sit in the quiet light of the dawn ... allow the melding of the heart and mind ... God is present.  

"Jesus remember me, when you come into Your kingdom.
Jesus remember me, when you come into Your kingdom."

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